Friday, April 13, 2007

Batman has left the building.

At last. After many phone calls, house visits, and rejections, I officially have a place to move into. I being me and two friggen awesome roomates!! That's right. Welcome to the party house - Where the fun just never ends. Hey that should be our slogan. Plus we have an open door policy (that hasn't been okayed by all my roomates, but I'm just gunna assume I've got the go ahead) so I expect all you people out there to visit. Except you of course Erika, at least that is until you're back on Canadian soil. Then I expect you every weekend! WOOHOO!
It'll be nice to get some independence, however, not gunna lie, I will be coming home regularly due to my disastrous results every time I enter a kitchen, and that me and my mom have a pajama party/pride and prejudice date.
Having roommates will definitely be different. Do you think they'll mind when I play my trombone at 3 in the morning? Or if I do my Neil Diamond impression in the shower?


Anonymous said...


If you need an extra hand when moving, you know my number.

Trin said...

Well Im gonna go a head and give you the thumbs up on the open door policy. You won't mind male strippers letting themselves in and out then will you? And heck yes this is going to be a blast. You should give yourself more credit in the kitchen Ive seen you cook and ate the food, and I'm still alive to tell that story so it couldn't have been that bad.