Wow that sentence sounds way more obnoxious than I intended it. So apparently Patti tagged me in some wierd internet copy of one of my favorite childhood games. But seeing as I have a secret fetish for top 5's, I couldn't pass up on the opportunity. I decided to do my own version of this toilet tag, or whatever we're calling it. Here Goes!
Top 5 Random facts Heather found on Google:
1) The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.
2) Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day.
3) It is believed that Shakespeare was 46 around the time that the King James Version of the Bible was written. In Psalms 46, the 46th word from the first word is shake and the 46th word from the last word is spear.
4) When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months.
5) The word "nerd" was first coined by Dr. Seuss in "If I Ran the Zoo."
Hope you learned something new and exciting. Drat! now I have to tag someone else apparently...
I choose Kim Isaak and Jason Chadney. You are officially IT.
So what the heck does that mean?
If I'm tagged, what does that mean? Do I have to do anything?
Yes jason. It means you have to make a list of five. I think it's supposed to be 5 things about yourself but you can do it on whatever you want.
And don't WHATEVER me kimberly! you're not getting out of this.
Excuse me!
Yes, hello, I'd like to know how bored the person who came up number three was.
It just seems to me that they reached a pinnacle in their overall development as a bored person, and I'd be very interested to know how I, a simple man, might attain such inner solitude.
I mean, I'm bored as a rule, that's a whole different level!
Any informaton you can provide on the whereabouts, description, bloodtype, etc., of said person would be much appreciated.
Thanks a bunch!
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