Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I Spy With My Little Eye... Nothing but White

Holy cow in a windstorm Batman! I don't think I've ever experienced weather like this. It is absolutely awesome. Not only has it caused me to be reminded of just how majestic God is but also that people aren't as bad as I sometimes think they are.

On the ride home with my Dad (which took an hour and 45 minutes instead of the usual 15) cars were getting stuck trying to get off the College Dr. bridge. I watched as a group of 4 individuals pushed one car out of the snow, then preceeded to walk back and push the next one. Then they pushed us. I'm assuming they pushed many people behind us as well. I don't know how long they were out there, but I was thoroughly impressed with their efforts. If I was in the same position I think I would've slipped away so I could go home and sit in my PJ's and drink hot chocolate.


travelling hobo said...

It is so awesome to see how not everyone is lazy and selfish. Not saying that we all are, but really, when it is cold and gross outside, I don't know that I would be the first one out there pushing cars. I sometimes think the world is a hopeless place, especially with the conversations that I encounter daily working in a kitchen with a bunch of worldly guys. God likes to remind us sometimes of the good he is doing in, through and around us. Be blessed.

Heather said...

Patti I just witnessed one of your profound moments! Well said buddy.

P.S. you sounded like Boyd at the end there. haha